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PROJECTCOVER SHEET – Assessment 3: Market Entry Report[30%]

PROJECTCOVER SHEET – Assessment 3: Market Entry Report[30%]
Course Code and Name BUS 3103 – International Business and Globalization Faculty Name
Project Title Assessment 3: International Business Project – Market Entry Report
Individual report worth 30% of final grade Due Date
Company name: Date Submitted
This assessment will assess the Learning outcomes:
• CLO3- Discuss the business activities applied in an international context.
• CLO4- Evaluate strategies for entry into the global market.
• CLO5- Recommend strategies for international business operations.

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROJECT: Assessment 3: Market Entry Report (30%)
? Table of Contents

1. Introduction
o The purpose of the report (explainthe context of the report, why it has been written)
o The main contents of the report (a clear summary of the report findings)

2. Company Background
o Brief overview of the company
o Brief description of current products/services,geographic markets, and production/service facilities.
o Country and Market Analysis:
o External factors that make the market attractive:
o political stability: based on the research, this country looks very attractive for businesses as it is mentioned by xyz webpage “;sdklfjskfj; skfjs;dlkfjs;dlkfj; s;lskdjf; sadkfj;sldkfjs;alkfjs;ldkfj ;asl”
o free market systems
o inflation rates
o private sector debt
o corruption levels

o Customer/Competitor based factors that make the market attractive:
o Product/service availability to meet consumer needs
o level of existing competition
o efficiency and value of existing competitors

o Industry and Business related factors:
o Trade barriers
o suitable labour force availability
o Business core competences
o Rate of expansion required/company strategy
o Transport costs, Costs of establishment/EoS,
o Level of centralised control required
o Determine a score for the suitability/attractiveness of each factor (e.g. 7/10) and include a written justification with references for each factor score.

Factor Ranking Justification
Trade barriers 10 out 155 countries This means that xxxx country is having attractive market for investors
political stability 3rd out of 144 countries This ranking means, Emirates is having a very stable political system and good for businesses.

– A weighting of relevance of each factor for the chosen company should be included, with justification.
(The information gathered for Assignment 1 may be used here, or students may use a different country.)

3. Marketing mix & Staffing policy
o Formulate a brief marketing mix for the company in the new market noting the need for Standardisation vs. Local Responsiveness (refer to Product/Service features, Place/Distribution strategy, Promotion strategy; Pricing strategy)
o Identify and justify which HRM staffing policy the company should use (LO3.4).
4. Market Entry Strategy (LO4&5.3)
o Evaluate the potential suitability (advantages/disadvantages) of each of the six Entry Modes specifically for this company.
o Recommend& justify the best entry mode(s) for this company.
? References

BUS 3103 – Assessment 3: Market Entry Report: Rubric and Feedback Sheet:
ID: Student Name:

Report Contents Unacceptable

F Minimum requirements
D Satisfactory

C/C+ Significantly above requirements
B/B+ Outstanding

A/A+ Marks Awarded

Achievement that does not meet requirements for course with normal grading mode. Achievement that minimally meets the course requirements but may not meet the GPA requirement. Achievement that satisfactorily meets the course and GPA requirements Achievement that is significantly above the course and GPA requirements Achievement that is outstanding relative to the course and GPA requirements
1. Introduction
– Purpose of the report
– Summarise main contents of the report
2. Company background
– Company overview: ownership, size, history, othercontexts.
– Markets & products: clearly stated, limitations/potential noted
3. Country and Market Analysis
Relevance justified & appropriate; suitability/attractiveness analysed.
– External factors
– Customer based factors
– Industry and Business related factors /30
4. Marketing mix & Staffing policy
– Marketing Mix incorporates relevant requirements related to:
– Product/Service (culture, economic development, technical standards)
– Distribution (Retail Concentration/Channel length (Intermediaries) /Exclusivity/Channel Quality)
– Promotions (Cultural barriers, Noise levels, Push vs Pull)
– Pricing strategy (incl. Elasticity of demand, with justification)
– Justification of selected Staffing Policy
5. Market Entry Strategy
– Evaluation of the Six Entry modes with pros and cons linked to the company and country.
– Appropriateness of Entry mode(s), aptness of justification


Language & Formatting
– overall quality of structure and approach to preparing final report.
– refer to Written English and Formatting Marking Criteria /10
Total /200

Assessment Guidelines
CATEGORY Unacceptable

F Minimum requirements

D Satisfactory

C/C+ Significantly above requirements
B/B+ Outstanding

From Course Guide Achievement that does not meet requirements for course with normal grading mode. Achievement that minimally meets the course requirements but may not meet the GPA requirement. Achievement that satisfactorily meets the course and GPA requirements Achievement that is significantly above the course and GPA requirements Achievement that is outstanding relative to the course and GPA requirements
General Guidance Errors so significant that the work is not passing quality Significant errors, information is unclear or incorrect Most information is correct and well-presented, with few errors Largely free of errors, demonstrates critical thought with well-explained coverage of all topics. Clear, well-explained, error-free work demonstrating critical thinking, with clear evidence of independent work and authentic research.
Organisation of information Information is poorly organised, lacks structure formatting, and presented out of order. Information is unorganised and poorly structured; many paragraphs presented out of order. Information is organised in places with adequate structure; some paragraphs presented out of order. Information is organised with many well-constructed sections; many paragraphs presented in a logical order. Information is very organised with well- constructed sections; paragraphs are presented in a logical order.
Breadth of Information Covers none of the areas that should be addressed. Covers few of the areas that should be addressed. Covers some of the areas that should be addressed. Covers all of the areas required to be addressed. Covers all areas that required to be addressed along with additional independent analyses.
Quality of Information Includes irrelevant explanations or details, or has little to no detail. Basic and has insufficient details. Basic but has some detail to support the projects goals. Advanced and has some detail to support project goals. Insightful and thorough analysis. Advanced and detailed enough to support project goals.
Written English and Formatting Marking Criteria for Project

F Minimum requirements
D Satisfactory

C/C+ Significantly above requirements
B/B+ Outstanding

A/A+ Score


Accuracy in some simple sentences, though errors occur and complex sentences rare Good accuracy in simple sentences – complex sentences limited and with errors Good accuracy in both simple and complex sentences – though errors sometimes occur Strong range of sentences – errors infrequent Excellent range of sentences – Noerrors
VOC Vocab. limited and errors frequent Vocab. choice generally appropriate and accurate – although errors Vocab. choice shows more flexibility – though errors Good range of vocab. – errors infrequent Excellent range of vocab. – No infrequent
Spelling / punctuation

SP Errors frequent, but not affecting meaning Errors occur regularly Occasional errors Largely error free (occasional lapse) No errors

Following HCT formatting requirements for reports
Little attempt to follow formatting conventions (4 or more problem areas) Formatting is attempted but often incorrect (3 problem areas) Formatted correctly in most respects (2 problem areas) Formatted correctly in all areas (only 1 problem areas) Correct formatting throughout (No problem areas)
1. title page 2. contents page 3. margins 4. page numbers 5. font consistency
6. line spacing 7. sections & paragraph spacing 8. level 1&2 headings 9. bullets and numbering 10. separate appendix page

Following HCT MLA referencing conventions
(use 1-4 for reports without charts/pics or 1-6 with charts/pics)
REF Little attempt to follow referencing conventions (problems in all areas) Referencing attempted, but often inaccurate (3 problem areas or 4-5 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Generally appropriate number and use of citations – although repeated errors may occur in 1 or 2 areas below (2 problem areas or 2-3 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Referenced well with minor omissions/errors (ie incorrect use of in-text reference) (only 1 problem area) Referenced fully and accurately (No problem areas)
1. in text sources in brackets 2. work cited 3. quotations 4. paraphrasing
5. chart /pictures captions 6. chart/pictures in-text bracketed refs


Total %

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PROJECTCOVER SHEET – Assessment 3: Market Entry Report[30%]

PROJECTCOVER SHEET – Assessment 3: Market Entry Report[30%]
Course Code and Name BUS 3103 – International Business and Globalization Faculty Name
Project Title Assessment 3: International Business Project – Market Entry Report
Individual report worth 30% of final grade Due Date
Company name: Date Submitted
This assessment will assess the Learning outcomes:
• CLO3- Discuss the business activities applied in an international context.
• CLO4- Evaluate strategies for entry into the global market.
• CLO5- Recommend strategies for international business operations.

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROJECT: Assessment 3: Market Entry Report (30%)
? Table of Contents

1. Introduction
o The purpose of the report (explainthe context of the report, why it has been written)
o The main contents of the report (a clear summary of the report findings)

2. Company Background
o Brief overview of the company
o Brief description of current products/services,geographic markets, and production/service facilities.
o Country and Market Analysis:
o External factors that make the market attractive:
o political stability: based on the research, this country looks very attractive for businesses as it is mentioned by xyz webpage “;sdklfjskfj; skfjs;dlkfjs;dlkfj; s;lskdjf; sadkfj;sldkfjs;alkfjs;ldkfj ;asl”
o free market systems
o inflation rates
o private sector debt
o corruption levels

o Customer/Competitor based factors that make the market attractive:
o Product/service availability to meet consumer needs
o level of existing competition
o efficiency and value of existing competitors

o Industry and Business related factors:
o Trade barriers
o suitable labour force availability
o Business core competences
o Rate of expansion required/company strategy
o Transport costs, Costs of establishment/EoS,
o Level of centralised control required
o Determine a score for the suitability/attractiveness of each factor (e.g. 7/10) and include a written justification with references for each factor score.

Factor Ranking Justification
Trade barriers 10 out 155 countries This means that xxxx country is having attractive market for investors
political stability 3rd out of 144 countries This ranking means, Emirates is having a very stable political system and good for businesses.

– A weighting of relevance of each factor for the chosen company should be included, with justification.
(The information gathered for Assignment 1 may be used here, or students may use a different country.)

3. Marketing mix & Staffing policy
o Formulate a brief marketing mix for the company in the new market noting the need for Standardisation vs. Local Responsiveness (refer to Product/Service features, Place/Distribution strategy, Promotion strategy; Pricing strategy)
o Identify and justify which HRM staffing policy the company should use (LO3.4).
4. Market Entry Strategy (LO4&5.3)
o Evaluate the potential suitability (advantages/disadvantages) of each of the six Entry Modes specifically for this company.
o Recommend& justify the best entry mode(s) for this company.
? References

BUS 3103 – Assessment 3: Market Entry Report: Rubric and Feedback Sheet:
ID: Student Name:

Report Contents Unacceptable

F Minimum requirements
D Satisfactory

C/C+ Significantly above requirements
B/B+ Outstanding

A/A+ Marks Awarded

Achievement that does not meet requirements for course with normal grading mode. Achievement that minimally meets the course requirements but may not meet the GPA requirement. Achievement that satisfactorily meets the course and GPA requirements Achievement that is significantly above the course and GPA requirements Achievement that is outstanding relative to the course and GPA requirements
1. Introduction
– Purpose of the report
– Summarise main contents of the report
2. Company background
– Company overview: ownership, size, history, othercontexts.
– Markets & products: clearly stated, limitations/potential noted
3. Country and Market Analysis
Relevance justified & appropriate; suitability/attractiveness analysed.
– External factors
– Customer based factors
– Industry and Business related factors /30
4. Marketing mix & Staffing policy
– Marketing Mix incorporates relevant requirements related to:
– Product/Service (culture, economic development, technical standards)
– Distribution (Retail Concentration/Channel length (Intermediaries) /Exclusivity/Channel Quality)
– Promotions (Cultural barriers, Noise levels, Push vs Pull)
– Pricing strategy (incl. Elasticity of demand, with justification)
– Justification of selected Staffing Policy
5. Market Entry Strategy
– Evaluation of the Six Entry modes with pros and cons linked to the company and country.
– Appropriateness of Entry mode(s), aptness of justification


Language & Formatting
– overall quality of structure and approach to preparing final report.
– refer to Written English and Formatting Marking Criteria /10
Total /200

Assessment Guidelines
CATEGORY Unacceptable

F Minimum requirements

D Satisfactory

C/C+ Significantly above requirements
B/B+ Outstanding

From Course Guide Achievement that does not meet requirements for course with normal grading mode. Achievement that minimally meets the course requirements but may not meet the GPA requirement. Achievement that satisfactorily meets the course and GPA requirements Achievement that is significantly above the course and GPA requirements Achievement that is outstanding relative to the course and GPA requirements
General Guidance Errors so significant that the work is not passing quality Significant errors, information is unclear or incorrect Most information is correct and well-presented, with few errors Largely free of errors, demonstrates critical thought with well-explained coverage of all topics. Clear, well-explained, error-free work demonstrating critical thinking, with clear evidence of independent work and authentic research.
Organisation of information Information is poorly organised, lacks structure formatting, and presented out of order. Information is unorganised and poorly structured; many paragraphs presented out of order. Information is organised in places with adequate structure; some paragraphs presented out of order. Information is organised with many well-constructed sections; many paragraphs presented in a logical order. Information is very organised with well- constructed sections; paragraphs are presented in a logical order.
Breadth of Information Covers none of the areas that should be addressed. Covers few of the areas that should be addressed. Covers some of the areas that should be addressed. Covers all of the areas required to be addressed. Covers all areas that required to be addressed along with additional independent analyses.
Quality of Information Includes irrelevant explanations or details, or has little to no detail. Basic and has insufficient details. Basic but has some detail to support the projects goals. Advanced and has some detail to support project goals. Insightful and thorough analysis. Advanced and detailed enough to support project goals.
Written English and Formatting Marking Criteria for Project

F Minimum requirements
D Satisfactory

C/C+ Significantly above requirements
B/B+ Outstanding

A/A+ Score


Accuracy in some simple sentences, though errors occur and complex sentences rare Good accuracy in simple sentences – complex sentences limited and with errors Good accuracy in both simple and complex sentences – though errors sometimes occur Strong range of sentences – errors infrequent Excellent range of sentences – Noerrors
VOC Vocab. limited and errors frequent Vocab. choice generally appropriate and accurate – although errors Vocab. choice shows more flexibility – though errors Good range of vocab. – errors infrequent Excellent range of vocab. – No infrequent
Spelling / punctuation

SP Errors frequent, but not affecting meaning Errors occur regularly Occasional errors Largely error free (occasional lapse) No errors

Following HCT formatting requirements for reports
Little attempt to follow formatting conventions (4 or more problem areas) Formatting is attempted but often incorrect (3 problem areas) Formatted correctly in most respects (2 problem areas) Formatted correctly in all areas (only 1 problem areas) Correct formatting throughout (No problem areas)
1. title page 2. contents page 3. margins 4. page numbers 5. font consistency
6. line spacing 7. sections & paragraph spacing 8. level 1&2 headings 9. bullets and numbering 10. separate appendix page

Following HCT MLA referencing conventions
(use 1-4 for reports without charts/pics or 1-6 with charts/pics)
REF Little attempt to follow referencing conventions (problems in all areas) Referencing attempted, but often inaccurate (3 problem areas or 4-5 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Generally appropriate number and use of citations – although repeated errors may occur in 1 or 2 areas below (2 problem areas or 2-3 problem areas if using charts/pictures) Referenced well with minor omissions/errors (ie incorrect use of in-text reference) (only 1 problem area) Referenced fully and accurately (No problem areas)
1. in text sources in brackets 2. work cited 3. quotations 4. paraphrasing
5. chart /pictures captions 6. chart/pictures in-text bracketed refs


Total %

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